Sunday, August 18, 2013

Time Lag

OK, A lot has happened, as I am sure you all know. There will be a comprehensive post to fill in some, if not all, of the gaps, but for the time being, check out this guy. His name is Paul Laffoley and he may just be the Genius we, or at least I, have been waiting for.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Get inspired

Thoth Street Performer

Free Expression

Charles Gilchrest Sacred Geometry

Here is a really interesting and wise dude: Charles Gilchrest, He works with the Concepts of Sacred Geometry, Pi, Phi, Mandala's. Good Stuff


Hello, and Welcome to The Adventure Log. This is an attempt to share our singular experience with the collective experience of the greater world wide web. May you find on here something that interests and excites you. Feel free to contribute to Torch the Dawn in any way you choose, as long as it uplifts others. Enjoy!